Saturday, July 12, 2008

Sorry I missed it

Well Folks looks like all had a good time. Sorry I missed it again this year but the timing is not good for my vacation schedule. Maybe next year if I can sort out my leave. Anyway, my thoughts were there with you even though I was thousands of miles away from home. Hopefully next year the Prichard's can add more bodies if I can work out the days.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Cookbook

This is great, Elizabeth. I can't believe that I actually managed to follow your directions so that I could blog! First, I want to say to Mike, Mary, Ronnie & Reba, THANK YOU for hosting this year's reunion. It was wonderful and we had such fun. Ya'll did a great job putting it together for all of us. Second, I never remember to bring my own camera to take pictures. I guess I am still stuck in the mind frame that Elizabeth will take plenty of pictures (which she does) but she hasn't lived at home in ???? how many years now? I do look forward to seeing everyone else's pictures (hint, hint , hint.) And, last, Chloe and I have decided that every time she spends the night with me that we will cook using recipes from the family cookbook. We made Dayna's "Chicken Gloria" and Aunt Gina's "Brownies" this week. Dayna, great recipe! I had several friends drop by that evening and they loved that recipe so much that they didn't leave room for dessert. Aunt Gina... your brownies are unbeatable. They are the one's that remind me of my childhood. Thanks to Dayna's recipe, I had enough brownies for Chloe to take home to her brothers and Mom and Dad. (which gave me "brownie points" at the Davis house). Needless to say, I love the cookbook and I will be posting throughout the year as Chloe and I make our way through the recipes. What fun as Chloe and I love to cook together. So, Aunt Gina, thanks for getting the recipe book started (and Aunt Barri, too) and Mary and Reba for putting it together for us. It's such a treasure in my eyes.

OK Cousins....get to posting or shall I say blogging? Surely, ya'll aren't going to let me show you up on this , are you?


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I am trying to add some old pictures from the past reunions. Be patient with me. LOL

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A family blog?

Somebody mentioned doing this at the reunion Saturday, forgive me for not remembering who you are, but I thought it was a great idea! I hope you don't mind that I went ahead & did it! This way we can all post pictures from the past 3 reunions to share with everyone, plus we can post future reunion plans, and ANYTHING we want really. If you just have some great news about you or your family to share then this will be the perfect platform.....with all the miles between us I think it will be nice to have a place we can come together all year round! Love you all & can't wait to see you all soon!


Need a good laugh? Watch these!

I waited all year just to see & HEAR these two....I love how connected you make me feel to my Memaw! Thanks for keeping traditions alive!

And the Maner girls talking about their mother's good ol home cooking...or not!
(Intro by Aunt Gina & Barri)

Elizabeth's pics from 2008 reunion

I didn't take very many pictures this year...can't imagine what excuse I might have for that! But I have lots more from the 2 previous reunions (which I will post eventually), but I'm hoping I light the fire in some of you other photographers to post your pictures...if you have any questions on how to do this just email me!
NO pressure!...It can be time consuming with this many pics so if you need to do it a little at a time you can save without publishing...I have to do this ALL the time as I never have more than a minute before I'm needed somewhere else! ;-)

Amanda & Avery


Avery & Briley

Aunt Gina..yeehaw!

YooooHoooo Contest...who won anyway?!

(I didn't get everyone who yoohooed sorry!)





Some singing Cowgirls!

Amanda, Maddie & Chris

Hula Hooping!!

(I never got a picture of you Chris!! I'm bringing a hula hoop next year & I will get one!!)


Amy Hula jumping
Chloe hula jumping


Brian (BD)
Me (Elizabeth)
Tracy & Miss. Carly
Pretty girl!
Uncle Daymond & Aunt cute!
Johnette, Dodie, Daymond, Gina, Barri, Sarah

Avery getting some lovings from his Great-Great Aunt Barri...lucky guy!

Water Gun Fight!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris &'s fuzzy, but to to funny!
Chris getting Amanda!
Amanda & Sarah teaming up on Chris!
Drenched!!! Love the pose!

Avery with his first sucker!

Clayton & Avery

So I realize I do have a quite a few pictures, and they're a little biased....sorry!!